Thursday, January 6, 2011

A New Government

In the Declaration of Independence it says:

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

This says that if the government has become destructive that the people should do something, but it is their obligation to do something about it. Lucky for us the founders made it easy for us to do this every year to vote new people into office. If the people made sure to check their leaders there would never have to be a big change, the leaders would be forced to stay within their powers. Unfortunately for us in the past this has not been done, allowing our leaders to grow complacent and not worry so much about following the rules. There has been those who have been warning us, but withing the last two years people have beginning waking up and realizing what both political parties have been doing. Lets make it one of our New Years Resolutions to check our government and if they do not do their job properly, do not give them another chance. Our system of government was created on the idea of checks and balances, but the most important one that is often overlooked is the people. Lets use our power to take America back to where she is supposed to be, governed by the people, not politicians with their own agendas.


  1. I agree 100%

    Did you hear about the fuss some were making about the reading of the Constitution on the House floor? Ridiculous.

  2. Also to be noted is that our system that perpetuate this activity it is about appeasing your state or district so that you can stay in power. Its not about what is right but what will get me reelected. Money is also something that is important in politics. You need it to be in politics their is a high barrier to entry. When you are beholden to those that supply the money it is to be expected to a degree that you would cow tow to their wants.
