Sunday, October 24, 2010


This article shows us who our country really needs to be afraid of. It quotes two liberal law makers, one is reasonable, and one does not care about democracy. Jim Moran accuses the Tea Party of getting support from people who oppose the president because he is African-American. One this argument holds no water because close to half the Democrats opposed him in the primaries, are they racist? No, because they disagreed with him on some points, just like Conservatives. This is a politician who tries to pull any card he can to try to convince voters, even if he insults half of America. Moran also called the America People stupid when he said "Many people who will be elected in the House and Senate don't represent the majority," He says the Tea Party is funded by a few rich. That is typical of any election, but he says that Americans are too stupid to vote for the right reasons, and is too stubborn to not admit their is anything wrong with his party or the current administration.  Maybe I should give the guy a break though, having a name one letter away from moron in politics must be horrible. 

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