Thursday, October 14, 2010

Both Parties Not Caring About the Citizens

Recently Congress has left for the year for midterm elections and then the holidays, and without expanding the Bush Tax-Cuts. Republicans will blame the Democrats and the Democrats will blame the Republicans for none of them being extended, but the truth is, that it is both parties faults. Neither party was willing to come to a compromise, so it hurt every citizen in the US. This is an example of both parties caring more about politics than the American people. I understand neither party wanted to look weak by giving in, but come to a compromise. I know on the tax cuts there was no middle ground, you either extended them or you didn't, but negotiate and make a deal with other issues the two parties are split on. I guess you could put more blame on the Democrats because they control both houses so they could have pushed it through, but they were scared of being outmaneuvered and appearing weak. There is one way to fix this, vote on Election Day. Thanks to the Tea Party Movement many politicians like this are being cleaned out of the GOP, but we still have to continue that on to Congress. In our past many third parties like the Populist and Progressive parties have had effects on elections, but lets hope that the Tea Party momentum can continue and be able to take America back to where she belongs and thrives.

Here is a link to an article by the Heritage Foundation that talks about the affects not renewing the tax cuts could have on the economy.

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