The purpose of this blog is to show America what is wrong with our country, but also offer solutions on how to fix those problems. I am seventeen but I carefully follow politics because it is my future, and what ever mistakes are made now, my generation will have to fix.
Friday, October 29, 2010
The American Revolution
As everyone knows in the American Revolution, the U.S. won its independence from Great Britain. The Founding Fathers set the country up on a revolutionary idea, a democracy. This nation from humble beginnings rose up and in a hundred years was becoming one of the world powers. Since then it seems that America's prominence peaked, and now is in jeopardy of falling behind other countries. Look at our government, it has grown too big, and is not able to sustain its weight, causing the country to slowly crumble. Thanks to the Founding Fathers we now have the chance to have our own revolutions, but fought only with words. Every year on the first Tuesday of November, we have the chance to participate. If we do not like the direction our country is headed in, then we can change it, we just have to take advantage of this right. With so many people not liking the direction the country is headed, why is it that the same people are elected year after year? This election is even more special thanks the the Tea Party. This movement that began small has spread across the country and is shaping this election. Become a part of it and vote for people, not for parties or normal politicians, but people who care and will strive for change. This is not the fake change that Obama talked about two years ago, but with real reform to the way politics is played out. We need real people who will stand against the progressive agenda and take America back to her glory days.
Jerry Brown
The other day I saw a political ad for Jerry Brown in the California governor's race. His ad made me laugh because he sounded like a conservative. He focused on cutting spending and other ideas that conservatives believe. This made me laugh because it was such a lie. I was also laughing at the thought that Americans hate liberals right now, and it is forcing so many to try and make themselves sound conservative, especially in a liberal state like California.
Monday, October 25, 2010
California Reset Button
Here in California it is time for real change. Over the past couple years the budget has been constantly around six months late. Now nobody wonders if it will be on time, but just how late it will be. A state cannot be run this way and expect to have success. In one week we have the chance to change the entire setup of Sacramento, so why don't we do it? I hope the anti-incumbent attitude will carry on to the state level, even though they don't get the same publicity. California has shown what happens when no matter what Democrats and Republicans don't get along, and the results are not pretty. If you don't know about your current assembly man or woman, then vote them out, because it is hard for the state to be any worse off.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
This article shows us who our country really needs to be afraid of. It quotes two liberal law makers, one is reasonable, and one does not care about democracy. Jim Moran accuses the Tea Party of getting support from people who oppose the president because he is African-American. One this argument holds no water because close to half the Democrats opposed him in the primaries, are they racist? No, because they disagreed with him on some points, just like Conservatives. This is a politician who tries to pull any card he can to try to convince voters, even if he insults half of America. Moran also called the America People stupid when he said "Many people who will be elected in the House and Senate don't represent the majority," He says the Tea Party is funded by a few rich. That is typical of any election, but he says that Americans are too stupid to vote for the right reasons, and is too stubborn to not admit their is anything wrong with his party or the current administration. Maybe I should give the guy a break though, having a name one letter away from moron in politics must be horrible.
This article shows us who our country really needs to be afraid of. It quotes two liberal law makers, one is reasonable, and one does not care about democracy. Jim Moran accuses the Tea Party of getting support from people who oppose the president because he is African-American. One this argument holds no water because close to half the Democrats opposed him in the primaries, are they racist? No, because they disagreed with him on some points, just like Conservatives. This is a politician who tries to pull any card he can to try to convince voters, even if he insults half of America. Moran also called the America People stupid when he said "Many people who will be elected in the House and Senate don't represent the majority," He says the Tea Party is funded by a few rich. That is typical of any election, but he says that Americans are too stupid to vote for the right reasons, and is too stubborn to not admit their is anything wrong with his party or the current administration. Maybe I should give the guy a break though, having a name one letter away from moron in politics must be horrible.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Reason Why I Am Doing This
Every day I read the newspaper, and often throw it down in disgust at what is happening in the country. I see politicians who are corrupt and are not willing to compromise on anything to save their life. As many adults do I follow the news, but I do not just complain about what is happening, I offer solutions to some of the problems we are facing. Being only seventeen I cannot vote, which at times drives me crazy because all of the mistakes the current generation makes I know I will have to fix in the future. Instead of voting I created a blog to try to convince people what would be the best plan of action for our country’s future. I do not care how hard it will be, I will try to change the way American Politics are run. We can get rid of the petty politicians and put in real people who are honest and care about our country’s future. I see a time where our country will choose to go this direction, and I want to be a part of it. I do not want this for my own personal gain, I want this so I will be able to make a difference in our country and where everyone will be able to say that they are proud to be an American.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
This November California has on a ballot a proposition that would make it legal to smoke marijuana even if you don't need it for medical reasons. Many people are falling for the argument that if we legalize this drug the drug war in Mexico is somehow going to disappear. This will not happen, it will have the opposite effect, and here is why. Drug cartels are like a business, they sell a product and have competition. If a drug they are selling is legalized, they just lost a huge part of their business, and it forces them to move to a different drug to stay alive. This makes more competition in that specific drug industry, and competition in this business means more deaths. We may wish that this was an easy solution to the drug war, but the cartels like their jobs, if they didn't they wouldn't be doing it, so they aren't going to walk away so easily.
Education System
The last couple of days some people have brought up David Harmer's opposition to the current education system where it is run by the government. David Harmer is running for a Representative in California's Eleventh District. Being part of this school system I can tell you that it is not working and could use an overhaul. The best schools in the district are ones that are not run by the government. There are a variety of private and charter schools that preform higher than the normal school. Schools need to have the freedom to make adjustments to fit their students and not have to abide by the government and union wishes. Teachers should constantly be evaluated and not have contracts so they can be replaced in the middle of the year. The union needs to back down and let teachers be responsible and not just be able to keep their job because they have been teaching for twenty years. Students should be able to decide where they go so schools are competing for those students. I am not asking for all of these changes at once, but slowly they need to happen, but the number one thing is to let the schools have a say, and not be controlled by the government and the union.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Both Parties Not Caring About the Citizens
Recently Congress has left for the year for midterm elections and then the holidays, and without expanding the Bush Tax-Cuts. Republicans will blame the Democrats and the Democrats will blame the Republicans for none of them being extended, but the truth is, that it is both parties faults. Neither party was willing to come to a compromise, so it hurt every citizen in the US. This is an example of both parties caring more about politics than the American people. I understand neither party wanted to look weak by giving in, but come to a compromise. I know on the tax cuts there was no middle ground, you either extended them or you didn't, but negotiate and make a deal with other issues the two parties are split on. I guess you could put more blame on the Democrats because they control both houses so they could have pushed it through, but they were scared of being outmaneuvered and appearing weak. There is one way to fix this, vote on Election Day. Thanks to the Tea Party Movement many politicians like this are being cleaned out of the GOP, but we still have to continue that on to Congress. In our past many third parties like the Populist and Progressive parties have had effects on elections, but lets hope that the Tea Party momentum can continue and be able to take America back to where she belongs and thrives.
Here is a link to an article by the Heritage Foundation that talks about the affects not renewing the tax cuts could have on the economy.
Here is a link to an article by the Heritage Foundation that talks about the affects not renewing the tax cuts could have on the economy.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Religious Views Being Trampled
I am LDS or aka Mormon, so no wonder an article in the Salt Lake Tribune seemed offensive. Well it wan't the article but some quotes from the gay and lesbian community that to me are insulting. Recently a leader of the church restated the church's beliefs: no sex out of marriage, and marriage is between a man and a woman. This caused a stir in the gay community, and some groups wanted the church to change its stand on the issue. I believe that the Church is run by men who receive revelation from God, and by telling the church to change their views they blatantly ignoring this fact. I am not asking you to believe this and now I will explain how this is important to all Conservatives, and not just those of the LDS faith. The church's views haven't changed in the 150 years or so that it has been around. Those ideas were first accepted, but now recently we can see that many people see those beliefs as outdated. We can see the slow slide of society towards the left. Our society used to respect religious views and society would form around them. Now our society has little respect for them and expect religions to follow society, and when that happens we are asking for a society that will cease to exist.
I am not asking anyone to convert to my church, but I felt this was a serious issue that struck home for me. Here is the link to the article:
I am not asking anyone to convert to my church, but I felt this was a serious issue that struck home for me. Here is the link to the article:
Monday, October 11, 2010
Where is the "Change",0,3149942.story
This story talks about the White House accusing the Chamber of Commerce with using foreign money in their campaign contributions. At the rally in Philadelphia President Obama said the Chamber of Commerce "could even be foreign-owned corporations… You don't know because they don't have to disclose," So if they don't have to disclose then how would Obama know it was foreign money? When he ran for President he promised change from old politics, but so far in the last two years I haven't seen anything different, just the same old accusations without providing any facts to back his claims up. If you want real change, then vote that way in November.
This story talks about the White House accusing the Chamber of Commerce with using foreign money in their campaign contributions. At the rally in Philadelphia President Obama said the Chamber of Commerce "could even be foreign-owned corporations… You don't know because they don't have to disclose," So if they don't have to disclose then how would Obama know it was foreign money? When he ran for President he promised change from old politics, but so far in the last two years I haven't seen anything different, just the same old accusations without providing any facts to back his claims up. If you want real change, then vote that way in November.
Start Up
I am not beginning this blog like so many others to complain, I am here to offer solutions to America's problems. I am also not asking anyone to agree with anything I say, I am asking you will consider it and think about it and form your own opinion, and not follow me or anybody else blindly. This is a huge problem with our country today, people don't vote, and the people who do don't look into who they are voting for. Don't just vote along party lines, look into the candidates. The reason I named this "The Real Conservative" is because there are many "Republicans" who are in fact liberal.
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