Thursday, April 21, 2011

Donald Trump

Wow it has been a long time since I wrote anything. There has been a lot in the news recently about Donald Trump and the possibility of him running for President. I thought that I would share my opinion on it. First off I think he has done a great job being recognized with his attacks on the President, it gets his name out early and is taking the fight to the President. On the whole issue of whether Obama was born in America I believe he was born in Hawaii, but the question does remain why he does not show his birth certificate. It could be a political ploy to expose it at an opportune time to discredit his opponent if it was brought up, and if that is the case I have to commend Obama for great foresight, but this is not the first time the issue was brought up and the reason to not show it did not really exist at the time. Trump cannot run his campaign on this issue though, and will need to focus on bigger issues, especially in the primaries. Trump can run on the economy which will be a big advantage to him because he is a businessman, but he will have to expand to other issues in the primaries, which will be to his disadvantage. I do wonder how successful somebody could be in the general election to attack Obama on many of the things he got a free pass from the media last year. McCain failed to press his advantage on issues like Obama being friends with Bill Ayers, a terrorist, or attending the church of an anti-American Reverend for over thirty years. I do not think that a campaign can be built off of these, but if pushed with the birth issue it might bring some success.


  1. I think that Donald Trump is a huge joke. When he said that he would announce his date of the press conference on his reality show I then was like ok he is a joke. I think that the issue that he has is that he ultimately lack experience in the whole public arena and with politics yea he can run companies and do reality TV but you need to know the town and people to make any progress. Obama ran into this he hadn't spent much time in D.C and didn't really understand what it means to be president. Its tougher one cant wave a wand and get things done a lot of give and take is to be had.

    Now for the whole "birther" issue its ridiculous frankly its a bit late for that he is the president so I think thats over. I think its dumb and well frankly any one who continues to carry on about it is so far right crazy i dont think i can vote for them. If he runs as an independent then he might as well just tell Obama i endorse you and want you around for another 4 years. Splitting the conservative vote doesn't work. He just needs to get his 15 minutes and leave the work to the big boys that actually care and can do some change and dont talk every 15 minutes about where he was born.

    I like real candidates with experience and who can spend some time talking about the real issues not just showing us the actual birth certificate. They gave us the certificate of living birth just not the birth certificate. I will be happy once he leaves and if he doesn't I dont think I can vote for someone who cant focus on the real issues, Jobs the economy, taxes, social security, Medicare, deficit, our war ect.

  2. I think Donald Trump is a big joke. If anyone in their right mind votes for him I'm scared for our country. Why would he want to take votes away from REAL candidates that can offer experience and class to our presidency.

  3. Yeah I am sure that Donald Trump is not serious about running, just like all of the other times he has hinted at running for President over the last twenty years. I think he appears to have some success right now when it doesn't matter because of his name recognition, but as soon as it comes to real issues he will fail, because of his lack of experience and all of the baggage that comes with him. How does a billionaire own a casino that goes bankrupt?
